HR Healthcare Strategies for Employees' Health and Safety at Workplace
The employees in corporate sector face severe health issues at workplace due to the hectic schedule, excessive stress, long working hours, unhealthy eating, and sleeping patterns. UAE is facing a similar problem with around the 19% of population facing serious diseases like obesity, along with hypertension and diabetes. That's why several organizations are joining the health and fitness bandwagon and looking forward to implementing corporate wellness programs for their employees and for workplace wellness as well. They also provide pre employment health check up during the hiring process to select suitable candidates for the posts.

HR responsibilities for employees' health & workplace safety play a vital role. In order to ensure that the managers make optimum use of available resources, here is the list of best HR healthcare strategies for employees, which can be useful in boosting and sustaining the security of employees at the workplace.
Offer Safety Training and Preventive Health Checkup Plans
Give them written instructions about the procedures. Side by side you can offer employees a quality preventive health checkup plan. This ensures that the employees are efficiently trained to work well under all sorts of crisis and situations. Employees suffering from health issues, the company should plan executive health checkups so that they can get aware of their employee's issues. They should also give them health rewards.
Execute Strict Security Policy
The HR manager must implement stringent security policies to maintain the safety of the employees. HR needs to make sure that hazardous places are labeled as the unsafe environment. Even strict warning signals should be applied to the necessary areas.
Build up Open Communication
It is possible to maintain the trust of the employees only when there is an open communication on safety and health-related issues. It is an important employee healthcare strategy that offers them the freedom to express their concerns about security goals in the company. HR personnel should hold one-on-one meetings with the employees so that employees feel ease and comfort in expressing their troubles related to the organization.
Plan Healthy Activities
Make your workplace healthy and energetic by planning various activities. Today many wellness expert companies arrange games and activities like Yoga sessions, Zumba workout for corporate companies. By taking their help you can start these activities in your company which will also lead to low absenteeism.
Have a Proper Coordination
Coordination between facility manager and HR manager can offer employees with the safer work environment. The human resource team must work together with the service group and ensure that they offer safety equipment and tools, healthcare cost and other essentials required to maintain employees' safety. They should also keep a track over employees' health score.
Thus, there are many benefits of healthy employees. However, you must remember that, you can reap these benefits only after you execute your HR strategies for employees' health and safety in the right way. If you are planning on getting a suitable program and health packages for your team, then Fill up the query form or more information and our corporate team gets in touch with you soon.